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    Subject rubrication of an issue is determined short-term by the selection of manuscripts suitable for publication. Usually there are several «cross-cutting» sections, which are published more often than others. Among them are: «Development of state statistics», «Questions of methodology», sections devoted to statistical analysis of the problems related to specific industries (e. g., demographic statistics, macroeconomic statistics, national accounts, etc.), «Study of social and economic processes», «Mathematical and statistical methods in analysis», «Regional statistics», «Foreign statistics», «International comparisons», «Pages of history», «In the system of state statistics», «Chronicle, information», «Scientific life» - are informative sections. As for the articles that content-wise can’t be easily referred to any of the abovementioned sections, are used the following headings: «Facts, estimates, forecasts», «Scientific messages».
    In recent years, the journal quite regularly presents headings like «Statistics and society», «In the course of discussion», which usually raise issues of improving the statistical analysis of modern socio-economic processes, ensuring openness and availability of statistical information for different groups of users, as well as the controversial problems of the organization of statistics, statistical science and statistical education.

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